
Benefits of a Sport Court for Your Kids

January 11, 2019
Residential Court Installation

Health advantages of Pittsburgh residential court installation.

With the influx of electronics and the introduction to computers, America’s youth is growing more sedentary every single day. Kids, who are chock-full of energy, are becoming more hyperactive and unable to concentrate due to their inactivity. Even more shocking, the increase in physical and mental illness our kids are facing, including diabetes, heart disease, ADHD and depression. And while some illness may be hereditary or congenital, there is proof that a lack of physical activity, bad eating habits, and a poor sleep schedule can result in otherwise preventable physical and mental health conditions.

Pittsburgh residential outdoor sports court installer, Sport Court of Pittsburgh, encourages children of every age to get out and play! This month, we’re focusing on the physical and mental health benefits a sports court may have on your child.

Physical Health Benefits

Kids naturally love to run around and play. They have a ton of energy and they love to release it. When children aren’t expelling energy via physical activity, they become hype-active and have a hard time concentrating and staying focused at home and school. Kids need an outlet other than sitting in front of a TV or tablet. And while we aren’t knocking the educational tools that come with today’s advancements in technology (because they are pretty awesome), we are simply suggesting getting your kids involved in a team sport or encouraging them to spend more time running around.

Mental Health Benefits

Besides the physical benefits of playing team sports, kids gain confidence, learn discipline and understand the importance of teamwork whether they’re playing basketball for a school team or playing kickball on the street. Playing sports also allows children to experience the excitement of winning and the lessons of defeat. And with defeat, your kids will learn the dedication of practice may lead to the next win. All these abilities and lessons learned are life skills your children will use well into their adulthood.

Good night! Great day!

Kids that exercise daily will sleep more soundly and wake up refreshed, versus tossing and turning at night accompanied by a sluggish morning. Like their parents, kids need all the sleep they can get at night if they want to have a productive day. You will find that most children who run around or play sports sleep better, wake easier and are more alert throughout the day.

Hire Professional Pittsburgh Court Installers

Sport Court of Pittsburgh is a residential, outdoor sports court installer serving Greater Pittsburgh, and entire Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia region. We believe adding a sports court to your backyard will encourage the entire family to get out and get moving. Prevent disease, combat hyperactivity, increase awareness and sleep better by living a healthy, more mobile lifestyle. For more information on our customizable sport courts, call residential sports court installer, Sport Court of Pittsburgh at 412-337-4758.

About the Author:

Jay Nagy - J Bird's
Jay Nagy
Owner at Sport Court |  + posts

Owner & Founded of J Bird's Landscaping & Owner Sport Court of PA. 18+ Years of experience in Pittsburgh Sport court installation, lawn cutting, patio installation, trucking/hauling, French drain installation, and other landscape/design services.

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