
Fall Sports to Play on Your Court

September 25, 2019
Fall Sports to Play on Your Court

With the fall season beginning, the crisp, cool air makes for the perfect environment to play a variety of fall sports on your backyard court. For the ultimate in fall fun, take some tips from our sports guide to help you and your child get the most fun and practice out of your sport court this season!

Tips for Practicing Popular Fall Sports

Take the chance to help your child practice their sport of choice, while also having some fun! Sport courts serve as more than just basketballs courts, Pittsburgh homeowners can also use them as a training area for a variety of sports. Below we’ve put together some tips on how you and your child can practice together on your sport court:


If your child is playing this season, they can use your sport court to practice routes and run agility drills and play catch with friends to help them improve their skills.

Cross Country

Your child can improve their cross country skills by running laps around the court. They can also do speed work, such as running ladders. These activities will help them improve their pace and their endurance on the cross country trails.


Your sport court provides the perfect safe and open area for your child to practice their routines and other exercises so they can be ready for game day!


A backyard sport court provides the perfect space where you child can practice their serves, run drills, and learn how to play with a team through fun family volleyball games, providing them with the skills they need to win!


On your sport court game court, your child can practice their skills for the field such as juggling, shooting goals, and passing. This will help them get ready to conquer the field!

Professional Sport Court Installation Services in Pittsburgh

If your sport court needs maintenance or you are interested in having a sport court installed, contact Sport Court of Pittsburgh today. You can count on our staff of residential court installation experts to provide your Pittsburgh home with a high-quality finished product that you and your family will enjoy for years to come!

About the Author:

Jay Nagy - J Bird's
Jay Nagy
Owner at Sport Court |  + posts

Owner & Founded of J Bird's Landscaping & Owner Sport Court of PA. 18+ Years of experience in Pittsburgh Sport court installation, lawn cutting, patio installation, trucking/hauling, French drain installation, and other landscape/design services.

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