
Turning a Bedroom into a Home Gym

December 14, 2020
Workout in a Home Gym

If you have a spare bedroom, you may be looking for a way to better utilize it. A popular option is to transform the room into a home gym. Having your own gym at home can reduce the stress of rushing to the gym after work and will likely help you keep your workouts on track since everything you need is right at home.

At Sport Court of Pittsburgh, we’ve put together a few ideas to help you get your home gym started.


Free weights are a versatile tool for working and are a great way to get your home gym started. You can choose from fancier, weight-adjustable dumbbells or go for the classic dumbbells based on your preferences. Be sure to purchase a rack to store your weights and keep them organized.


This is a big part of having a home gym. If you are planning to deal with heavy weights or complicated exercises, you will want to make sure you have support bands for areas of the body prone to injury such as the back, knees, wrists, etc. A pair of gloves designed for weightlifting is also a great addition to help keep your hands clean and safe.

Wall Mounts

The goal is to keep your home gym as organized and as open as possible so you have enough space to work out. Using vertical storage mounted to the wall allows for more floor space and also allows you to purchase more equipment for your home gym. When these wall mounts are installed, be sure strong bolts are used so that you are no limited in what you can hang on them.


Music and TV can make exercising more enjoyable. Consider mounting a TV on the wall so you can enjoy your favorite during your workout. You may also want to install a sound system or purchasing a portable speaker for the room to enjoy your favorite tunes to motivate you while exercising.


If you have a tile or hardwood floor in your spare bedroom, it can be become damaged by a dropped weight. To avoid this, it is crucial to have gym flooring installed. At Sport Court of Pittsburgh, we can install the flooring for your home gym. Pittsburgh homeowners will benefit from our expert service and revolutionary material that will protect your flooring underneath and will also reduce the wear and tear on your joints and muscles as you exercise.

If you are looking for a safe and durable home gym flooring option, contact Sport Court of Pittsburgh today!

About the Author:

Jay Nagy - J Bird's
Jay Nagy
Owner at Sport Court |  + posts

Owner & Founded of J Bird's Landscaping & Owner Sport Court of PA. 18+ Years of experience in Pittsburgh Sport court installation, lawn cutting, patio installation, trucking/hauling, French drain installation, and other landscape/design services.

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