
USA Volleyball Open National Championships

October 24, 2017

POSTED ON 5/25/12 | The annual USA Volleyball Open National Championships will be played in Salt Lake City from May 26 through June 2 on surfaces once again provided by Sport Court®. Thirty Eight playing courts totaling 120,000 square feet are being provided by Sport Court for the annual event. The event will feature Sport Court’s newest product Maple Select™, the only modular surface with a tough urethane top coat, for better performance and greater durability.

“We are happy to be celebrating our 23rd year as an official partner with USA Volleyball” said Ron Cerny, President and CEO of Connor Sport Court International, the Utah-based manufacturer of Sport Court volleyball courts. “Our experience with championship events through the years has greatly assisted in the development of market-leading sport surfaces”.

This year’s championships will be held in the Salt Palace Convention Center. Forty regions of USA Volleyball are represented in this event. Teams from all over the United States will be competing in this event. There are several tournaments during the event including the Open and Club tournaments and the Masters and Senior tournaments with several participants over 70 years of age.

“Because of Sport Court’s development of these high-performance surfaces, volleyball events like this can be played under a single roof,” said Cerny. “Our surfaces are the perfect solutions for players of every age.”

Before Sport Court partnered with USA Volleyball 23 years ago, an event like the USA Volleyball Open Championships would have required many different venues on many kinds of surfaces. Now a consistent series of playing surfaces can be put in place at a single site.

“It makes the games more exciting and the team spirit bonds the players, leading to greater interest and participation in the sport,” said Cerny.

Sport Court’s Response™ and Response HG™ playing surfaces are state-of-the-art engineered polymer surface, which has Lateral Forgiveness ™ for player safety while at the same time providing the resiliency needed in this fast-moving sport. Connor Sport Court engineers have constantly developed and improved this court system to make it the official choice for volleyball organizations the world over.

About the Author:

Jay Nagy - J Bird's
Jay Nagy
Owner at Sport Court |  + posts

Owner & Founded of J Bird's Landscaping & Owner Sport Court of PA. 18+ Years of experience in Pittsburgh Sport court installation, lawn cutting, patio installation, trucking/hauling, French drain installation, and other landscape/design services.

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