
What Are the Dimensions of a Sport Court?

December 15, 2021
Sport Courts

Whether you want to train more often or are looking for a fun way to enjoy your favorite sport with friends and family, a sport court is a great addition to your home! With our high-performance, multi-sport courts, you can create a gym floor in your backyard that meets your needs and accommodates the space you have available.

If you are thinking about investing in a sport court for your backyard, you may be wondering what the standard sport court dimensions are. At Sport Court of Pittsburgh, we’ve put together a guide on the different sport court dimensions to help you determine what sport court you’d like to invest in.

What are the Standard Sport Court Sizes?

If space is not a concern of yours, you may want to build a full-size court for your chosen sport. Some of the full-size court dimensions include:


When it comes to a standard tennis court, you will have a playing area that measures 36 feet by 78 feet. The entire surface of the court will measure up to 60 feet by 120 feet.

This amount of space is required because the standard net posts extend beyond the 36 feet line. You also must consider that tennis has a lot of fast-moving balls, so you will need space to accommodate the balls bouncing around. The court will also likely have cement or concrete flooring rather than clay, which will cause the ball to bounce faster.


Basketball courts can be built based on three different dimensions that make it a full-court. If you want a court that follows NBA regulations, you will have a court that is 94 feet long by 50 feet wide. For a high school size court, you will have a court that is 84 feet long by 50 feet wide. If you want a junior high school court, it will measure 74 feet long by 42 feet wide. The size of the court will also impact the different parts of your sport court, so you’ll want to make sure to have the proper size.

The size of your basketball court will depend on your needs and the age and abilities of the players who plan to use the court. When you work Sport Court of Pittsburgh, we will work with you to learn more about your specific needs and can design the court to accommodate all players and abilities.


The flat horizontal court for volleyball at regulation size will measure 59 feet long and 29.5 feet wide. The attack lines that divide the front and back row are marked 9 feet 10 inches parallel to the net. The free zones of the court will be at a minimum of 9 feet 10 inches, with clearances around the entire court measuring up to 16 feet 5 inches on the sides and 21 feet 4 inches in the back.


For a racquetball court, you expect it to measure with an overall length of 40 feet with a width of 20 feet, giving it a total area of 800 ft². The front wall needs to have a minimum height of 20 feet, with a back wall height measuring at 12 feet. The racquetball court will be marked with a service line 15 feet from the front wall, along with a short line at 20 feet and a receiving line of 25 feet. Both sides of the service zone will be marked with drive service lines on both sides of the zone. These are marked at 36 inches and will have a service box line splitting the zone at 18 inches.

Create a Custom Court with Sport Court of Pittsburgh

These sizes serve only as a guide to give you an idea of the different court sizes available. Depending on the available space you have on your property, you may not be able to build a regulation-size court in your backyard, but when you work with Sport Court of Pittsburgh, we can help you build a custom size, multi-sport court to suit the size of your property and the needs of your players.

Contact us today to learn more!

About the Author:

Jay Nagy - J Bird's
Jay Nagy

Owner & Founded of J Bird's Landscaping & Owner Sport Court of PA. 18+ Years of experience in Pittsburgh Sport court installation, lawn cutting, patio installation, trucking/hauling, French drain installation, and other landscape/design services.

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