
Connor Sport Court International plans

September 29, 2017

Connor Sport Court International recently announced its plans to move its Sport Court division to a new 162,000 square foot office, manufacturing and warehouse facility in early 2013. This move will replace its current accommodations, which includes a 65,000 square foot manufacturing facility and a separate 69,000 square foot warehouse. By moving to the new facility all of Sport Court’s Salt Lake operations will be under one roof.

“Connor Sport Court has done remarkably well over the last few years, despite the challenging economy, and we now need to expand our Sport Court operations to facilitate the continued growth we expect for the future” said Ron Cerny, President and CEO of Connor Sport Court International. “Moving to the new larger combined facility will allow us to increase efficiencies of our operations and better serve our customers”

Within the last year alone, the organization has added nearly 25% of additional production capacity with the addition of several new 1000 ton injection molding machines. This move was necessary to expand the company’s manufacturing capacity to meet the ever increasing customer demand for its innovative products. Currently, the facility runs 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Sport Court anticipates even higher growth in future due to its new products, strong strategic plan and growth initiatives.

The transition process will take nearly one year to complete and the company does not anticipate their customers being affected in any way during the process. With its state of the art operations and warehousing systems, all fully certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, customers will enjoy the same great service and products they have always expected and received from Sport Court.

About the Author:

Jay Nagy - J Bird's
Jay Nagy
Owner at Sport Court |  + posts

Owner & Founded of J Bird's Landscaping & Owner Sport Court of PA. 18+ Years of experience in Pittsburgh Sport court installation, lawn cutting, patio installation, trucking/hauling, French drain installation, and other landscape/design services.

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